[B] Cartoon by Joseph Keppler entitled 'Uncle Sam's Lodging House' (1882)

Full description
The caption reads 'Uncle Sam 'Look here, you, everybody else is quiet and peaceable, and you're all the time a-kicking up a row!' A description from the Library of Congress website reads: 'The cartoon shows an Irishman confronting Uncle Sam in a boarding house filled with laborers, immigrants from several countries who are attempting to sleep; the "Frenchman, Japanese, Negro, Russian, Italian," and "German" sleep peacefully. The "Irishman" kicks up a row. He has thrown such bricks as "The Chinese must go," "Recall Lowell," and "Irish independence" at Uncle Sam and the female figure of liberty standing on the left. He disturbs a "Chinese" man and an "Englishman," who are in the berths next to him.' http://www.loc.gov/pictures/item/2004670115/
- typeImage
- created on
- file formatjpg
- file size162 KB
- creditCartoon by Joseph Keppler entitled 'Uncle Sam's Lodging House' (1882). Puck, volume 11, no. 274 (7 June 1882), centrefold. Library of Congress, Prints and Photographs Division, accessed via: https://lccn.loc.gov/2004670115
- original publisherKeppler & Schwarzmann, 1882 June 7
- original publisher placeN.Y., 23-25 Warren St. Mayer Merkel & Ottmann, Lith.
- restrictionshttps://lccn.loc.gov/2004670115
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