Figure 5: Static network visualisation of the Querelle des collèges, where nodes represent texts, and where node size is a function of ties sent and received.

1 = Rousseau (1762), 17 [64]
2a = Borrelly (1768), 110 [21]
2b = La Chalotais (1763), 54 [21]
3 = Rolland d’Erceville (1783), 188 [20]
4a = Rolland d’Erceville (1769), 124 [18]
4b = D’Alembert (1753), 2 [18]
5 = Parlement de Paris 3 (1762), 30 [14]
Full description
A static network visualisation of the Querelle des collèges, where nodes represent texts as actors of the quarrel. Nodes are sized according to texts' participation in the quarrel as both senders and receivers of ties (in other words, according to the references that a text both makes to other texts, and receives from other texts).
Network made using R packages developed by:
Statnet Development Team (Pavel N. Krivitsky, Mark S. Handcock, David R. Hunter, Carter T. Butts, Chad Klumb, Steven M. Goodreau, and Martina Morris) (2003-2022). statnet: Software tools for the Statistical Modeling of Network Data. URL
- typeImage
- created on
- file formatjpeg
- file size2 MB
- container titleThe Emergence of Literature in Eighteenth-Century France: The Battle of the School Books
- copyright statusCC-BY-NC
- creatorGemma Tidman & Marc Sarazin
- creditCreated by Gemma Tidman & Marc Sarazin
- isbn9781802077629
- publisherLiverpool University Press
- publisher placeLiverpool, UK
- restrictionsAll rights reserved
- rightsWorld English language rights reserved by Liverpool University Press
- rights holderLiverpool University Press
- rights territoryWorld
- series titleOxford University Studies in the Enlightenment
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