Supplementary Source 2

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This source is a translation of a narrative account of two pas d'armes that were organised in 1484 as part of the celebrations following the coronation and Royal Entry into Paris of King Charles VIII of France. This text, the Coronación del rey Carlos VIII de Francia y fiestas que se hicieron, is preserved in a little-known single manuscript (El Escorial, Real Biblioteca del Monasterio de San Lorenzo, e-IV-5). Written in Medieval Castilian, it was most probably compiled from several different works in Middle French composed by unknown authors and then translated by Sancho de la Forca, a military commander based in Étampes at the time of the festivities, who wrote up his account only a few months after they had finished. These two pas d'armes have been given the following names: the Pas of Paris and the Pas du Chevalier au Souci (Pas of the Knight of the Marigold/Knight of Sorrow). The former was organised by Louis, duke of Orléans, cousin of the newly crowned king, and the latter by Claude de Vaudrey, a Burgundian knight who had lost his lands during the final struggles between the Valois dukes of Burgundy and King Louis XI. The Pas of the Knight of the Marigold/Knight of Sorrow is illustrated in the manuscript and these miniatures have been reproduced here in the source.

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