Supplementary Source 1

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This source is a translation of a narrative account by Guillaume Leseur, in his chivalric biography entitled the Histoire de Gaston IV, comte de Foix (c. 1477–78), of four pas d'armes that took place in the Angevin courtly milieu in 1446–47. These are the Pas du Perron/Pas de Saumur (Pas of the Perron/Pas of Saumur), the Pas du Rocher Périlleux/Pas de la Gueule du Dragon (Pas of the Perilous Rock/Pas of the Dragon’s Mouth), the Pas du Géant à la Blanche Dame du Pavillon (Pas of the Giant and the White Lady of the Pavilion), and the Pas du Chevalier Aventureux (Pas of the Adventurous Knight). The various organisers and defenders of these four tournaments included Duke René of Anjou himself and knights who were loyal to him such as Ferry II de Vaudémont-Lorraine, as well as other knights such as Gaston IV, count of Foix, who were allied to King Charles VII. The manuscript of Leseur's text that has served as the basis of this translated source (Berlin, Staatsbibliothek, Preußischer Kulturbesitz, Ham. 606), which contains the original, near-complete version of this work, has only recently been rediscovered, having been thought lost for over two centuries.

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