Network visualization of connections in Volume 1 of the critical edition of Beethoven's conversation notebooks.

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Multicolored bright dots connected with grey lines. There are mostly centered and connected with some grey dots unconnected and far from the others
Nodes represent individuals who are named or identified as scribes; edges indicate that the two individuals appear on the same page of the edited volume. Color indicates modularity (interconnectedness of people). Size indicates degree (number of connections). Data from Ludwig van Beethovens Konversationshefte, ed. Karl-Heinz Köhler et al., 11 vols. (Leipzig, 1972–2001), vol.1.
  • type
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  • file format
  • file size
    100 KB
  • copyright status
    In Copyright
  • creator
    Crystal Hall
  • rights
    CC BY-NC
  • rights holder
    Crystal Hall